
March 31, 2009

Book Review Policy

I felt it was past time I write up a policy, so here I go. If anyone thinks I'm forgetting something, tell me in the comments.

Genres I Review: YA (male- or female-oriented), fantasy (traditional/high, urban/low), SF (hard and soft), horror, literary fiction, chick lit, general fiction, some non-fiction

Genres I Can't Review: I review romance and erotica exclusively for The Good, The Bad and The Unread. If you want a book reviewed in those genres, you should contact the site owner according to site policy.

eBooks: I will review eBooks, but it takes me longer because I don't have an eReader and thus cannot carry the book around to read in my free time.

Self-published: I've reviewed self-published in the past, but I'm going to stop. I buy self-pubbed when I know the author's work, but I've been burned enough not to accept self-pubbed willy-nilly.

About my reviews: My reviews do not include the publisher's blurb, but I try to include necessary summary within the review's text. I provide links to the author's site and to the book's listing on Amazon (through the cover picture). The majority of my reviews are positive because I tend to put down books I don't enjoy, but I will be honest if something doesn't work for me.

I am in college. The speed in which I review depends on how busy I am and how interesting I find the book, among other things. I do work to review all requests.

Other services offered: I enjoy hosting giveaways, guest blogs, and interviews.

Please contact me with requests at inbedwithbooks AT yahoo DOT com.

Note, if you have my campus address (the one that says I live at "University"), this address with not be valid after mid-May 2009. At that point please contact me for my permanent address.

I will be in England most of July and August 2009. This will affect my reviewing.


  1. I need to write one of these, never would have thought of that. :) Good job!

  2. Haha, I definitely should too. But then I haven't gotten any request that I refuse to take.

    Vacation in England I assume? Lucky!

  3. What is your policy on books you don't finish? What do you do with arcs? Do you sell them? Give them away? Publishers might want to know this info. Just a suggestion. I would say for self published books, you do not accept them for review. No willy-nilly excuse is needed.

  4. Kaye - Thanks for the suggestions!

    Diana - Study abroad.

  5. Happy birthday?


  6. Lucky! I wish I could but to study abroad is too pricy for my family's pocket. What are you studying?

  7. Jere' M. FishbackMay 17, 2009 at 6:26 PM


    The Prizm Books division of Torquere Press has just published my novel, Josef Jaeger, aimed at YA GLBT readers. Here's a link to the blurb:

    Here's what one reviewer said about my book:

    Here's a link to my website:

    If you would like to review my book I can send you the e-Book version or, if you prefer the print version, I'll have my publisher mail it to you if you will give me your postal addess.

    Here's my e-mail addy:

    Much thanks,

    Jere' M. Fishback

  8. I think its great that you offer this service to authors. I'm going to take you up on your review offer. :)

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