
October 5, 2009

Review Policy, Fall 2009

Content of In Bed With Books includes:

Reviews: I review a variety of genres, including YA (male- or female-oriented), fantasy (traditional/high, urban/low), SF (hard and soft), horror, literary fiction, chick lit, general fiction, and some non-fiction. To request a review, please send an e-mail to inbedwithbooks AT yahoo DOT com including the title, author name, blurb, and other relevant information.

I review romance and erotica for TGTBTU. Review requests for those genres should be submitted to the site owner according to site policy.

I do not review self-published novels or urban fiction. I tend to avoid historical fiction as well.

My reviews include a summary of the novel's premise and my honest reaction to the style and content. I provide links to the author's site and to Amazon. The majority of my reviews are positive since I tend not to waste time on books I do not enjoy.

I am in college. The speed in which I review depends on how busy I am and how interesting I find the book, among other things. I do work to review all requests.

Interviews: My interviews are generally ten questions long. I prefer to interview an author only if I've read and recommend their novel. Please contact me at inbedwithbooks AT yahoo DOT com to arrange an interview.

Guest blogs: I am willing to host both authors and other bloggers. I can provide prompts. Please e-mail me (see above) to arrange a guest blog.

Contests/giveaways: I love hosting contests and giveaways, preferably for books/authors I am familiar with. I try to promote each contest and giveaway on sites independent of IBWB. Please e-mail me (see above) to arrange a contest and/or giveaway.

Compensation: I do not receive, nor would I accept, monetary compensation for my reviews. Review copies may be provided by the author, publisher, or a publicist. I keep the majority of the review copies I receive. ARCs will not be sold, though they may be given away, either to friends or in a contest. Final copies may be resold or given away. The money from resold final copies is used to mail contest prizes and to send books to other blogger reviewers. These free copies do not guarantee a positive review. I reserve the right to write negative reviews.

Reviews include a link to Amazon. The affliate ID belongs to the site owner of TGTBTU, who uses the money to ship books to contest winners and the site reviewers. It is not kept for personal gain.

I do not host advertising.

Address: Since I am in college, my address changes frequently. My current address contains the word "River."


  1. 10 questions is quite a lot. I usually do 5 myself.

  2. Your very last statement about your address reminds me of an old game show: "And the password is...river."


  3. I couldn't see where else to contact you so I'm putting this here.

    I thought you might be interested, in a preview peek at ch 1 of my new YA fantasy novel, 'Lethal Inheritance’ on

    Here's a teaser

    If last night was real then Ariel should be dead, but her mother has disappeared, there are bruise marks on her neck and that hideous beast in the photo looks frighteningly familiar.

    No, the beast isn't a vampire.

    If you like what you read, I'd really appreciate it if you mentioned it to your readers as an upcoming book and suggest they go to the site for a peek.



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