
November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope those of you in the US have a wonderful time celebrating, and that those of you elsewhere have fun too!

I am thankful that I have been able to maintain this blog and meet so many people. Part of the joy of blogging is the community.

I am thankful that the semester is almost over.

I am thankful that the book I read last night was so good it kept me up until three a.m.

I am thankful for the chocolate covered espresso beans a friend gave me.  Delicious.

Now, I'm off to play with my niece and nephew.  I'm thankful they're in Texas right now instead of North Dakota.


  1. Happy Thanskgiving!

  2. I stopped by your blog today. I'm with you on the weather here in Texas. Enjoying the sunshine and temperatures with only a slight chill.

  3. Hi, i just want to say hello to the community


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