
March 19, 2011

Calling All Authors

As you probably know, I've been writing In Bed With Books for three years as of yesterday.

Here are a few secrets:

- I am alternately brilliant and bad at naming things.  "Top Ten Books to Read in Bed" was the title of an article I wrote for a college paper right before starting this blog.  Thus, "In Bed With Books."  The name also refers to the fact that I prefer to read in bed.  I'll read in a chair, but I find beds more comfortable.  (If only I had a chaise longue. . . )

- "Liviania" was an alias I had already been using for two years.  Considering I discard aliases about every three years, I really wish I had made up a new one for the blog.  It makes me a bit twitchy that I'm stuck with one semi-permanent fake identity.

- My Twitter handle is @wearedevilcow because I originally intended to use if for real-life friends as well as the blog.  I quickly realized what a dumb idea that was.  Thus, I only use it for the blog but the name only has meaning to my friends.

Now onto the meaning of the title of this post!

There are a few more contests to come this month, and I'm currently plotting the final ones.  Any authors who would like me to include some of their swag (bookmarks, posters, etc.) in the packages should contact me at inbedwithbooks AT yahoo DOT com.


  1. Aw, sorry you're stuck with certain names. I can see how that would get annoying after awhile, esp. if you're so established.


  2. great post.

    I woke up Sunday a.m. to find my blog, my 500 plus followers, my 100plus author interviews, and my 200 plus reviews gone. Blogger gave no explanation, but I think the account was hacked. Change your password often!

    I have reloaded the interviews and reviews, plus redesigned the blog. But if you could, please hit the "follow" button so I can reclaim the fellow bloggers I miss. I'm still following you, as my account remained--thank goodness!

    Thank you!
    Kelly Moran


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