
June 4, 2012

Armchair BEA: Introduction

Armchair BEA is for all bloggers who can't make it to NYC for BEA or the Book Blogger Con.  That, of course, includes me.  It starts with introductions, as any good event should.  Part of that is answering five out of ten interview questions.  Hopefully there will be something interesting in my answers for longtime readers of In Bed With Books as well as new visitors.

My old header
 1.  Please tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you?  How long have you been blogging?  Why did you get into blogging?

I am a college graduate currently working as a freelance copyeditor.  I hope to work in publishing full time.  In Bed With Books is now a little over four years old, although I blogged elsewhere before beginning IBWB.  I also write reviews for TGTBTU.  I started on the path to book blogging in ninth grade, when my school librarian introduced me to the world of ARCs and pre-publication reviews.  That was more than four years, however, before I began a blog dedicated to my book reviews.

My favicon is taken from this image.
 2.  What are you currently reading, or what is your favorite book you have read so far in 2012?

I am currently reading MY LIFE IN BLACK & WHITE by Natasha Friend.  I've read a lot of good books lately, so it's hard to pick a favorite.  SMART GIRLS GET WHAT THEY WANT by Sarah Strohmeyer and FOR DARKNESS SHOWS THE STARS by Diana Peterfreund are at the top of the heap.  But I still have a number of books to read that look absolutely amazing!

3.  Tell us one non-book-related thing that everyone reading your blog may not know about you.

I love to laugh.  People can tell when I laugh, for it is a unique laugh.  My laughter once brought a performance by the Royal Shakespeare Company to a brief standstill because the entire theater laughed with me.  (As You Like It, 2009 - If you were there, you know who I am.)  My friends often reassure me that my laugh isn't annoying, but I'm not entirely convinced.  My niece may have inherited it.

My icon at TGTBTU.
6.  Which is your favorite post that you have written that you want everyone to read?

I don't have one perfect post to point you to, but I'm rather fond of my review of DANGEROUS NEIGHBORS by Beth Kephart.

7.  If you could eat dinner with any author or character, who would it be and why?

I'm going to assume this means alive or dead.  The answer is Nathaniel Hawthorne, so that I can proposition him.  I have a thing for his symbolism.  (I was in high school; I've never quite gotten over it.)


  1. That is so awesome that your school librarian introduced you to ARCs and the like. It is kind of illuminating to read all of the different paths people have taken on the way to becoming book bloggers.

    1. She was an awesome librarian. It's amazing how many ways there are to become a blogger.

  2. Good Morning and welcome to Armchair BEA! It is a pleasure to meet you!

  3. made me laugh, and I didn't even hear yours! But laughter is my favorite thing.

    Like what you said about Nathaniel Hawthorne.

    I've only read one Kephart book so far, but have preordered her Small Damages. Now I must seek out Dangerous Neighbors.

    Thanks for sharing...and here's MY ARMCHAIR BEA POST

    1. SMALL DAMAGES is on my to read list. I can't wait since Beth is a fabulous writer and all around terrific person.

  4. Yeah! So glad you decided to join up for Armchair BEA. That school librarian is my hero - course, I love all librarians. :) I am dying to get my hands on For Darkness Shows the Stars. And I adored reading Hawthorne while in HS. Have fun!

    1. All librarians are heroes, I think. (And you need to get your hands on a copy. It is uh-may-zing.)

  5. My best friend has a crazy laugh involving snorting when she finds something hilarious. I doubt anyone thinks your laugh is annoying. It's not something you can control lol. I didn't know about ARCS until three months ago. That's awesome that you were introduced to them so early. -Melissa @Harley Bear Book Blog

    1. I think I worry more since it isn't something I could change if it was annoying. Yeah, it was pretty random that I found out about ARCs that young.

  6. Now I think I might request you bring back your previous header haha lol now doesn't that sound so pervy? don't mind me sorry XD I love to laugh too there is too many good things in this world to brood over and think about. Love me a good laugh. You read For Darkness Shows The Stars? now I'm jealous!

    My Introduction post here

    We Fancy Books

    1. I like my old header, but my old design was way too busy.

  7. So jealous that you have a copy of For Darkness Shows the Stars by Diana Peterfreund. I can't wait to read that one, so I'm glad to hear that you loved it so much that it's on the top of your favourites for the year!!! :D

    haha I have to say that I love that you want to proposition Nathaniel Hawthorne...that's so awesome! ;D

    Thanks for telling us a bit about yourself, Liviania! It's great to meet you!
    My BEA Introduction Post

    1. It's nice to meet you too.

      I love that so many people are looking forward to FOR DARKNESS SHOWS THE STARS!

  8. Aw, I have a friend with an INSANE laugh too, so you just reminded me of her! I'm sure it's not annoying though, or at least not annoying when people get to know you- it's just part of what makes you you! Love Hawthorne too (although maybe not in quite the same way as you... hehe)

    1. I'm glad there are Hawthorne fans out there. Most people I know aren't big on his work.

  9. That's great you keep up with reviews for two sites!

  10. Be proud of your laugh! I love when people have distinctive laughs. I have a friend who snorts every time she laughs, and it always makes me smile :-)

    I am another one who's really itching to read For Darkness Shows the Stars! The cover is just gorgeous!

    Thanks for stopping by my Armchair BEA Intro post!

    1. I love the cover. (And I love that the title is relevant to the story.)

  11. I love to laugh too! Can't help laughing about Hawthrone, thanks for stopping by!

  12. First of all, what a beautiful name! Thanks for visiting. You should definitely not write off Immortal Rules based on Iron Fey. She's a great writer, I just didn't like Iron Fey because of the subject matter. Loved Immortal Rules. Have a great BEA!

    1. Well, it isn't *actually* my name. You have a great BEA too!

  13. Hey, Livinia! Thanks for mentioning Smart Girls and also for your fab review on Amazon. But you don't like the glasses....really?

    1. Hey Sarah! I've been meaning to reply to your email, but I take awhile to get my thoughts together. (And the review will appear here on SMART GIRLS' release date.

      I've never been a fan of huge frames. And the way the glasses fit the model mostly works, but you can tell that the lower part of the frame comes down too far for the model's face. They strike me more as ironic hipster glasses than smart girl glasses. Eh, like any long-time glasses wearer, I'm opinionated about frames.

  14. Awesome to have such a great librarian who can introduce you to something like this! I really want to read FOR DARKNESS SHOWS THE STARS, glad to hear it's one of your favourites! It's great to "meet" you!

    1. Well, you don't have to wait much longer to read it, since it comes out on the twelfth. It's nice to meet you too!

  15. Your old header is kinda saucy, I like it. Loved getting to meet you today!

    1. I like it too, but it doesn't work with my current layout. I may use it again one day.

  16. It is probably a good thing I only recently learned of ARCs. If my high school librarian had told me about them I might never have left my house again.

    1. You'd at least have to go to school! Thanks for stopping by.

  17. Aaaaaaaaaaa Smart girls get what they want!! I SO LOVE THIS TITLE!! And I am so eager to read this book!! About the laughing :P haha I totally understand you and I feel you. I, too, love to laugh and LOTS of times I start laughing (normally at something that isn't SO funny to all the others around me, but to me it's a LOT) SO HARD, for like a minute or two. And everyone stares at me, and I really don't care :P, and I keep laughing lol :D My friends are used to it :P And I love it :) :) I just love THAT moment of silence when noone understand what are you laughing so hard at :D :D it's priceless :) :) So really, you totally rock!! ;D ;)

    1. I picked it up for the title and feel in love with the book. It's great.

      I'm glad I'm not the only one who can laugh for several minutes at a time!

  18. What a great story about your laugh! Off to check out your review for Dangerous Neighbors as I love Beth Kephart.

    1. I'm glad to meet another Beth Kephart fan!

  19. That's pretty much how I started too! I was introduced to ARCs and reviewing through a school newsletter that the librarian was in charge of. Then I moved up.

    Your avatar/favicon images are SO adorable. Awww.

    Thanks for stopping by mine!

    1. Thank you! I think they're adorable too, and I'm thankful to the artists who made them for me.

  20. You brought the Royal Shakespeare Company to a standstill? I am 100% impressed right now by this infamous laugh!

    1. One of the actors helped. He knew I was laughing at him and kept looking at me to make me laugh harder when I'd stop.

  21. I wish you the best of luck with working in publishing full time!

    Haha, omg, I think we'd make a fearsome laughing company, you and me. I have a...quirky laugh, too. It's sort of loud, and when I get overly excited I make odd noises now and then, totally at random. Everyone almost faints from laughing each time I really get the Livialaugh going. Friends say it's "infectious" and that's why they laugh so hard every time I do, but I always suspect they're laughing more of my laugh then with it. Buuuuut to each their own, right? :D They keep telling me the funny stories though, so I guess they do enjoy it, haha.
    What really bothers me is I can't help it if I find something funny, you know? Like other people can reign in the laugh, or completely snuff it out? Well I can't. It just explodes out of me and gushes out in waves, there'll be no discreet snickering or something subtle like that where I'm concerned. And others around me will have the same sad fate, because my laugh is so irresistible xDD So have an irresistible laugh, and it's good for the soul :D

    Loved to know more about you.

    1. It seems like there's lots of big laughers in the blogging community.

      Everyone refers to my laugh as "the duck laugh."

  22. I laughed at the description of your laugh. I also laugh a lot, sometimes it's a deep chuckle, others it's a brainless giggle. I think the brainless giggle is the one people find the funniest...probably not for the best of reasons. Thanks for stopping by The Bawdy Book Blog! You've got a new follower. :)

    1. Thanks for following! I have to admit to giggling when I'm nervous.

  23. Congratulations on almost four years! That really is a lot of time and dedication!

    I have not heard of My Life in Black & White, I will have to look it up! Thanks!

    1. Thank you.

      It's coming out June 28th from Viking. It's the story of a girl who is defined by her beauty - until the night her face goes through a windshield. I just finished and it is definitely worth looking up.

  24. Totally love the artwork. So wispy. ;) I am a bonafide idiot and I admit it.
    Isn't it fabulous how we can remember the little threads that brought us to where we are today with our hobbies?

    Thanks for visiting my post.

  25. I love the image you took your favicon from - it's fantastic! So pleased to 'meet' you and learn more about your blog and reading!

    1. Thanks, I love the artist that drew it for me.

      I'm pleased to meet you too.

  26. Thanks for stopping in today! People always comment on my laugh and they says it's a good thing. I wonder sometimes if they're telling the truth. I wonder what it really sounds like to other people.

    1. It is weird that we can never know exactly what we look or sound like.

  27. I would love to have seen that Shakepeare performance, sounds that something to have experienced.

  28. LOL, omg I love that fact about your laugh! I often get people to laugh with me too, because I have this kind of hysteric thing going on sometimes, but never that big of an audience. ;) But I bet it's a memory!

    It's been so nice to meet you! Thanks for stopping by. :)

  29. Not many people can say they stopped a performance of Shakespeare due to their laugh... it must have been one great scene. ;)


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