
June 27, 2012

"Waiting On" Wednesday: Anticipating 2013 already?!

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a meme hosted by Jill of Breaking the Spine.

Today I was going through my blogroll and such when I came upon Faye's "Waiting On" Wednesday.  The book sounded so cool I wanted to feature it too.  What makes it so appealing?  It's high fantasy, one of many genres I've been craving lately, and it has a non-Western setting.  I'm hoping for something like Cindy Pon's SILVER PHOENIX.  So what is this book?

It's PROPHECY by Ellen Oh, available January 2, 2013 from HarperTeen.  The following blurb is taken from Faye's post:

The greatest warrior in all of the Seven Kingdoms . . . is a girl with yellow eyes.
Kira’s the only female in the king’s army, and the prince’s bodyguard. She’s a demon slayer and an outcast, hated by nearly everyone in her home city of Hansong. And, she’s their only hope . . .
Murdered kings and discovered traitors point to a demon invasion, sending Kira on the run with the young prince. He may be the savior predicted in the Dragon King Prophecy, but the missing treasure of myth may be the true key. With only the guidance of the cryptic prophecy, Kira must battle demon soldiers, evil shaman, and the Demon Lord himself to find what was once lost and raise a prince into a king.
Intrigue and mystery, ancient lore and action-packed fantasy come together in this heart-stopping first book in a trilogy. Followed by Warrior, and King!


  1. Oh wow this sounds amazing! A bodyguard AND a demon slayer? I can't wait to 'meet' Kira!

    Great pick, Liviania - hope you get the chance to read it soon :)

    1. Kira definitely sounds like an awesome heroine.

  2. This sounds interesting. I haven't heard of it before, but I am intrigued.

    Reading Lark's WOW

  3. Thanks for sharing! Sounds like an intriguing plot. I'm a bit tired of the trilogies, because I have such a hard time keeping up with them, though.


    1. I'm tired of neverending series and have been looking for standalones lately, but the trilogy structure is classic.

  4. ahhhhhhhhh!!! This one sounds Amazing!! :D Great pick! This wasn't even on my radar, but it's definitely on my TBR list now!! In fact, I just added it on goodreads! I hope there isn't a huge cliffhanger though; those make me so antsy!

    & thanks for stopping by my blog; I laughed aloud when I read your comment for Burn for Burn. I never saw the cover that way until you mentioned it, but you've got a point there! I do kinda like the colors of the color though!

    1. Huge cliffhangers make me antsy too, so we'll be hoping against that together. Glad I could bring something new to your attention!

      I'm also glad my comment made you laugh! It's a pretty cover, but those girls don't look like they're out for revenge.

    2. Definitely not! They're just huddled against a wall, looking timid! No doubt striking fear into the hearts of all who pass them in the hall! haha

  5. I know, right?! Fantasy + non-Western? I'm in! I do hope it's something like Pon's books - because those rocked. You're spot on this week!

    1. I just hope other readers are like bloggers and get excited about that too.

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks for bringing this one to my attention!

  7. Every time I get word that my book cover is featured by a wonderful blogger, I do a little happy dance! Can I just tell you how much I love YA bloggers?

    Thanks so much for the cover love! I hope that you will like Prophecy as much as you did Cindy's wonderful books! Its set in ancient Korea and filled with little known Korean legends and myths that I hope to bring to a broader audience. Oh and it has scary demons, mystical objects and a water dragon! I look forward to hearing what you think!

    1. YA bloggers are a group of pretty cool people.

      I hope that I like it too. I'm more familiar with Chinese and Japanese myths and legends, so it will be something new for me. And I'm always up for demons and dragons!

  8. I've seen this pop up a few times and it sounds really good-I loved Pon's series and am on the lookout for other excellent non-Western fantasies; this sure seems to fit the bill! But we have to wait until next year :(

  9. Well, it looks good ;) :) I hope the year will pass fast so you can get your hands on this book! :)

    PS. I've nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award, you can find it here

  10. Kings, bodyguards, murder... just some of the ingredients of a book that I KNOW I'll love!


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