
August 11, 2012

More Great Deals

Consider this an addendum to yesterday's post.  Turns out, today starts a Kindle Big Deal sale.  I've gone through the more than 500 books on sale and picked out a few interesting titles.  (Please not I'm not spotlighting every YA title on sale, just ones I know something about.)  Spotted any good deals that I've missed?

Also, Kobo currently has all of the Percy Jackson and Artemis Fowl books 75% off is you use coupon code percyartemis75 when checking out.  That makes new release THE LAST GUARDIAN only $2.99!

All $1.99:
Make Me How to Ditch Your Fairy No and Me The Iron Witch
MAKE ME is the newest title in Parker Blue's Demon Underground series. HOW TO DITCH YOUR FAIRY isn't my favorite Justine Larbalestier, but it's a cute light paranormal. NO AND ME, by Delphine de Vigan, is a translated French novel involving teen homelessness. Karon Mahoney's THE IRON WITCH was much anticipated last year.

Eye of the Storm Assassin's Apprentice Witch Eyes In Darkness
EYE OF THE STORM is by Kate Messner.  I recently reviewed her recent release CAPTURE THE FLAG. ASSASSIN'S APPRENTICE: Oathbreaker was co-written by Susan Vaught and J B Redmond. Right now I am loving Vaught's FREAKS LIKE US, and who can resist that title? WITCH EYES by Scott Tracey has been on my want list for awhile because it's a gay paranormal. I believe there's a sequel coming soon. Nick Lake's recent release IN DARKNESS, about a Haitian teen, has gotten some great reviews.



  1. Sigh...I need an e-reader for stuff like this. I do want to read Witch Eyes though, and I didn't realize No and Me was a french novel first. That's awesome. I love foreign things, from books to movies, etc.


    1. You can read ebooks on your computer! Just turn your backlight down if you get eyestrain.


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