
September 12, 2012

BBAW: What Book Blogging Means to Me

It's day three of Book Blogger Appreciation Week and I'm not sure how to approach today's topic.  What does book blogging mean to me?

It's not a question with a concrete answer.  Book blogging means a lot of different things to me.  On the most basic level, it means writing about books in a place where others can easily discover and read that writing.  But that's not a very interesting answer.

Part of my motivation for blogging, that is quite relevant to this week, is to push myself out of my comfort zone.  There is a social connotation to blogging and I'm not at my smoothest when meeting new people.  In person, I tend to be quiet around people until I get to know them and then I don't shut up.  But on my blog, no one is going to speak up if I don't.  I have to be chatty from the word go.  The more I blog, the better I get at it.  And let's face it, social skills are super important.

The comfort zone pushing applies to books as well.  I have my favorite niches.  I'd probably go crazy if I wasn't allowed to read anything but urban fantasy novels, but it would take longer than if I was asked to read only modern poetry.  There's nothing wrong with modern poetry, but I prefer it in small doses.  I also don't seek it out.

But the thing about book blogging is you don't always have to seek something out.  You'll get pitches from people who obviously never read your review policy, but some of those books will sound interesting anyway.  You'll enter a contest on a whim and win a book you might not have been willing to pay for.  You'll see books on someone else's blog, on Tumblr, on Goodreads, on LibraryThing, and you'll remember it and read it later.  Book blogging is throwing yourself bodily into the path of new, strange, wondrous books.

Some of those books will be total crap, but let's not talk about that.

So what does book blogging mean to you?  Is this a question that makes you want to run for cover?  Because that's kind of how it makes me feel.


  1. Social skills, what a good reason. I tend to be better in writing than speaking too, so I know where you're coming from. And yay for pushing comfort zones, reading things you never would've picked up on your own or without blogging being in your life. If this question made you want to run for cover it doesn't come across that way, this is a really good post and you've made some brilliant points.

    Is is a daunting question though, because there are so many things that could possibly be included. I'd say the same as you, comfort zone and discovering books, as well as the community. I think I said on Amy's blog that it's like a Lit class, we have some great discussions, us bloggers, that encourage us to think more than we might have if we were reading completely alone.

    1. I actually don't mind speaking to a large group of people, oddly enough. I find public speaking surprisingly easy.

      A lit class is a great comparison. I mentioned once, back when I was in college, that writing for the blog was very helpful in keeping my techniques for writing papers sharp.

  2. Terrific it.

    To me, blogging is all about the wonderful bloggers who make it happen. Stop by to see my post if you like.

    Have a fun day.

    Silver's Reviews

  3. I totally agree with you - the book blogging community is awesome and diverse! I can get as much from an "OMG you HAVE to read this book now, now, now!" than I can from a long detailed review - and sometimes I want the details.

    1. I always like details, but crazy enthusiasm is always telling.

  4. Great push yourself out of your comfort zone. Having a blog is a great way to do that :)

    Blogging is a great way to discover new books and to hang out with an amazing community!

    The Relentless Reader

    1. There's nothing like the book blogging community!

  5. Good answer. I feel like blogging has pushed me out of my comfort zone. I still worry my posts aren't really very good but like you said the more you do it the better you'll get. I also agree with you on trying different books-it's easy to get set in a certain type you like. Through other blogs and what not within the community I have found myself reading other books I would have missed out on otherwise!

    1. I'm sure even the big bloggers worry that their posts aren't any good.

  6. I had not thought of it quite that way, but you are right. I'm much like you. Shy until I really get to know someone. I am much more bold when it comes to blogging--and you really do have to put yourself out there if you want to be known or make friends or what have you.

  7. I love the way you've described this passion of ours. This sentence especially: "Book blogging is throwing yourself bodily into the path of new, strange, wondrous books."


  8. LOL, some books are total crap but I, thankfully, managed to keep those to a handful.

    1. The weirdest prejudice against book bloggers that I see repeatedly is that we seek out books we'll hate. Who would do that?

  9. "Book blogging is throwing yourself bodily into the path of new, strange, wondrous books." <- YES! I totally agree with this. I have had so many experiences where I've read things also because I remember the title from reading it somewhere on somebody's blog or Goodreads or something and then it's just been amazing. Also the social thing is an important one for me too as I'm quite socially awkward in reality but in the blogosphere I feel really free to talk and ramble and be myself. It's great :-)

    1. It looks like lots of people agree with that sentiment! Book blogging has been terrible for my budget because of the buying things I've heard about.

  10. This was a tough question, wasn't it? Excellent post, and I agree that it's a great way to push yourself out of your comfort zone! And thank you for "Book blogging is throwing yourself bodily into the path of new, strange, wondrous books" <- one of my new favorite sentences!

    1. It seems to be a hit with several people!

      Thank you.

  11. I love that blogging exposes us to new and different books. I don't feel as 'scared' to try new books now.

  12. I love that blogging brings books, authors and people into your life that you otherwise would never know about!


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