
March 18, 2013

Movie Monday: Win The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey A few months ago I reviewed The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.  Now, thanks to Warner Bros., I have the chance to giveaway a Blu-ray Combo Pack.  The movie comes out tomorrow, March 19, so you can win it almost as soon as you can buy it!

I honestly enjoyed the movie and felt like the backlash was a bit much.  This is your chance to make up your own mind about it - and maybe have a little fun on the app below.

Standard rules apply - US only, no PO boxes, must be 13 years of age or older.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I'm equal parts hobbit and human. A fact I have long suspected. ;)

    I thoroughly enjoyed the film as well. Helped that I was there with my 9-year-old who was quietly freaking out over the awesome.

    1. I, personally, have a hobbit-like love of snacks.

      That's adorable! And it's so true that watching a movie with someone else who is enjoying it makes it that much better.

  2. Aww, I'm 60% hobbit. That sounds accurate. XD Although the quiz says I "seem to be equal parts hobbit and human." I've got the height (or lack thereof XD), love of food and social gatherings too.

    I haven't seen The Hobbit but I need to!

    1. Hey Lime!

      You really should see it - especially if you love your films with spectacle.

  3. What a cute quiz! I'm 52% hobbit, which is a lot less than I would have thought. :-) I also loved the film and didn't have too much criticism for it (just little, niggling concerns). Thanks!

    1. Eh, it wasn't a perfect movie, but I am definitely a person who doesn't require perfect.

  4. I'm 58% Hobbit... probably because I love to eat and second breakfast would be a perfect thing to add to a human's way of life.

    I saw the movie the day it came out, and I loved Martin Freeman's take on Bilbo.

  5. I'm 65% Hobbit! Less than I expected :P My family jokes that I'm a hobbit because I'm so tiny, but I eat a large amount haha. Oops!

  6. I'm 60% Hobbit. I'm guessing its because I'm short and like to eat a lot!


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