
May 29, 2015

Armchair BEA 2015: Blogging Q&A

It is the third day of Armchair BEA and today's topics are Character Chatter and Blogging Q&A.

I've been blogging about books since March 2008, so I definitely have some ideas about what works and what doesn't.

My number one tip is to schedule posts.  It makes me so much less stressed when I don't have to scramble to write tomorrow's post that night.  (You might laugh, but it took me quite awhile to get the hang of scheduling.)

Google Calendar is also your friend, for keeping track of releases and when you've agreed to do blog tours, interviews, guest blogs, or absolutely anything.  There will still be times you look at it and go, "Wait, what?  I didn't read that THE SKY IS FALLING DOWN," but in general you will be more on top of things.

But I've never been great about handing out tips cold.  Feel free to ask any blogging questions you might have!


  1. I agree that scheduling takes the stress out of blogging. I always try to have at least the following week scheduled out and that way I'm not worry about it. I take part in the Blog Ahead events run by Herding Cats and Burning Soup and they always help me build up a nice stack of scheduled posts which I love.

    My post if you want to check it out :)

    1. I haven't heard of those Blog Ahead events, but they sound helpful! I generally reserve a few hours on the weekend for writing posts.

    2. Aw. Thanks for the mention and shout out Trish! Appreciate it.

      I'm a big scheduler too Liviania :D It took me a while to get into that blogging mindset too but now I can't imagine doing the last minute panicky posting all the time like I used to do.

    3. Yeah, I didn't think it would make a big difference at first, but it makes blogging so much easier!

  2. I am so bad at scheduling post and really should have learnt my lesson by now!

  3. I have to schedule posts too or else I will be a nervous disaster!

  4. I wish I had learned about scheduling posts earlier, as it takes so much of the pressure off! Hate to admit that I still sometimes have to scramble at the last minute to post, but am slowly getting better. And I love Google Calendar! Helps keep me on track. Thanks for the tips!

    Terri @ Alexia's Books and Such...

    1. Google Calendar is super convenient, not the least because it is free.

  5. I started using Google Calendar this year, and its been great for keeping things a little more organised. I talked about how bad I am at scheduling posts in my ABEA post today, actually... it sounds like it would be helpful for me to get into the habit of doing, though.

  6. Scheduling is a HUGE lifesaver when it comes to the ins and outs of blogging. I went through a time when I did really well at being about a week ahead with posts. Now, I'm more of a last-minute, but the plan is to get back to that. :)

    Thanks for visiting Dreaming Under the Same Moon, Liviania. :)

    1. Once upon a time I was a full month ahead with my posts! That was a glorious time indeed.

      (Admittedly, I was unemployed, so not actually that glorious.)


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