
October 18, 2015

Buy Goosebumps and support Worldreader

For a few more days, you can name your price to get more than $260 of Goosebumps audiobooks in the current book bundle from Humble Bundle, presented by Scholastic.  This promotion supports Worldreader, a non-profit that helps put tech and digital books in the hands of children and their families.  Their focus is on Indian and African novels.

You can read free books from Worldreader on your phone at this site.

Worldreader's press release about the promotion says:

‘‘An entire generation of readers got hooked on reading in part because of R.L. Stine’s ability to tell such addictive, funny, and scary stories,’’ says Danielle Zacarias, our Director of Content. ‘‘Worldreader wants to get people hooked on reading – first and foremost we want to help people become literate but once that happens we want them to love reading and continue reading…It’s a great honor to be attached to a bundle with his name on it.’’

This year, Humble Bundle customers have raised over $100,000 for Worldreader. Thanks to Humble Bundle and their community of readers, we’re able to get more children hooked on reading and are now in the process of sending 50 e-readers (loaded with 100 e-books on each one) to a school in Nima, Ghana, serving some of Nima’s poorest girls. That’s 5,000 new books and a library full of new educational and learning opportunities.

Did you know: 
• There are an estimated 1 billion people on the planet who lack basic reading and writing skills.
• The more relevant and engaging a student’s first reads are, the more likely that person will continue learning and reading throughout their life. Yet, 50% of schools in Africa have few or no books at all.
 • The increasing ubiquity and diminishing costs of digital technology enable Worldreader to bring books of all subjects, and reading levels to people across the developing world.
 For more facts about how literacy changes lives, visit:


  1. Thanks for sharing - sounds like a great charity.

    1. It does! And it is always fun when you get something for your donation.


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