From now until the 9th, if you make a purchase at BookPeople and show them this flyer, a portion of the sale will go to Save Texas Schools. Don't live in Austin? Type "Save Texas Schools" into the notes field when you checkout online.

I know I'll stop by BookPeople during this time, to see Kim Harrison on tour with PALE DEMON, the latest in the Hollows series. After that I intend to swing by the Forever Young Adult Book Club at the HighBall where they will be discussing PLEASE IGNORE VERA DIETZ. (Don't forget that I reviewed it this week.) I'm glad I'll be in Austin on one of the days they're meeting!

P.S. Contest coming tomorrow!
P.P.S. PALE DEMON is $26.99. $26.99! My budget will be blown. At least some of it will go to charity.
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