By Gillian Philip
Available now from Tor (Macmillan)
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Read my reviews of Firebrand and Bloodstone
It's a little hard for me to accept that there's only one more Rebel Angels book to go. I've been enjoying the hell out of this series. It's sprawling and twisted and based on characters who make mistakes because they can't be anything but themselves. And, of course, the villain who takes advantage of that.
WOLFSBANE did feel a bit like a holding pattern before the end. The stakes weren't quite as high, the protagonists didn't lose quite as much - but the antagonist didn't win as much either.
The first two books centered around the relationship between brothers Seth and Conal MacGregor. WOLFSBANE focuses on a new relationship, that of Seth and his son Rory. Queen Kate wants Rory in her power, but he's safe on Seth's lands. Unfortunately, he's also a teenager and sick of staying close at home. (Especially once he meets a teen girl).
WOLFSBANE takes place almost entirely in the world of the Sithe, with very little in "our world." It's a chance to get a closer look at the Sithe who aren't in the center of the struggle and what they think of Seth's rebellion against Kate. Few know that the center of their struggle is the fate of the Veil, but they can still decide who they want to side with based on how their vassals are treated and other criteria.
The time jump between BLOODSTONE and WOLFSBANE allows a variety of relationships other than Seth's and Rory's to progress. There's romance, new siblings, and hate. Seth's past mistakes haven't always won him friends, and some of those enemies are making their move. The action in WOLFSBANE might be smaller, but it's closer.
FIREBRAND was an unexpected favorite of mine, but I'm glad I came across it, especially since the sequels have been so wonderful. I can't wait to see how the Rebel Angels series concludes when ICEFALL comes out in the US.
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