By Holly Webb
Available now from Sourcebooks Jabberwocky
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In the final novel of the Rose series, Holly Webb brings Rose's parentage to light through a mysterious mirror, a dangerous gang, and two loyal women. There's still war brewing on the horizon, but it is mostly an afterthought, something the grown-ups are focusing on while Rose and her friends chase the truth and run straight into danger. But the kids will be drawn back in before the end.
I thought ROSE AND THE SILVER GHOST was a wonderful end to the series. It stays true to the lessons Rose has learned about magic and responsibility. The events of the novel also force Rose to face the ways she's changed, and that she can never go back to just being a maid. I'm not entirely happy with the way she was forced to give up the last bits of her earlier identity, but she really isn't that little girl anymore. ROSE AND THE SILVER GHOST also continues the darker direction that started in the third book, although the story is still appropriate for younger children. There are some things they might find scary.
I will miss Rose, Freddie, Bella, and Bill. All four children had distinct, memorable personalities and worked so well together. Then there was Gus. I can think of very few books that wouldn't be improved with the addition of a talking cat. It's just common sense.
I doubt ROSE AND THE SILVER GHOST would be that exciting for anyone who hasn't read the first three books on gone on this journey with Rose. But these books are short and delightful, so there's no reason not to catch up now that the entire series is available in the US.
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