May 30, 2015

Armchair BEA 2015: Giveaway

It is the fourth and final day of Armchair BEA.  The themes are Giveaways and Book-to-Movie Adaptations.  I am choosing to host a giveaway.

One of the major themes of Armchair BEA is experiencing an event and a community online, since we aren't able to do it in person.  That inspired my giveaway.

A few weeks ago, I went to a Fierce Reads Spring Fling tour event at Blue Willow Bookshop.  (You'll note that the second leg of the tour starts tomorrow, at BookCon.)

It was a great event - they had a photo area with a backdrop and lots of props, bingo with custom cards, and the store provided a raffle.  Katie Finn, Lynne Matson, Marie Rutkoski, and Lindsay Smith were all promoting the second books in their series, so they were all a bit handicapped about what they could talk about.  I was familiar with most of their books, but understood that it was likely not everyone in the audience had read them.

My reviews of:
The Winner's Curse by Marie Rutkoski
The Winner's Crime by Marie Rutkoski
Broken Hearts, Fences, and Other Things to Mend by Katie Finn
Sekret by Lindsay Smith

They could talk odd coincidences, like how Finn and Matson's books both start in a Target.  (Finn did that because she strangely seems to always wear her one red shirt to Target.)  The authors also talked about worldbuilding and how it can drive plot.  Rutkoski first decided that her more martial culture would carry knives and then that they would allow duels.  At that point, she knew that there had to be a duel in THE WINNER'S CURSE.  It seems like most of them were pantsers, which is a big problem when you're writing the second book in a trilogy!

Anyway, part of the fun of an event like this is all the swag.  So I'm giving away a swag pack!  There is a Fierce Reads tour poster signed by Finn, Matson, Rutkoski, and Smith, plus a Fierce Reads pen.  There are two bookmarks and a pin for Nil and Nil Unlocked by Matson.  There is a watermelon soy chapstick for Finn's series.  There are two bookmarks for Rutkoski, plus two bookmarks from Smith - one for her upcoming novel Dreamstrider.

BONUS ROUND!  For every ten entries, I'll add more swag to the swag pack.  And believe me, I have all sorts of cool stuff - including more posters.


  1. Oooooh, this is a cool giveaway! I want to read all of those books, and do love a nice bit of bookish swag. Hope this is international as I live in the UK and I entered. Thanks!

    1. Sorry, but it is US only. (I listed it in the T&Cs.) I'd make it international if I could, but shipping is pricey!

  2. I love it that you went to Blue Willow Bookshop. It's my favorite bookshop. I live just south of Houston.

    1. I really love it too, although it is a bit of a drive from my part of Houston!

  3. I met them when they came to my local bookstore last summer. Girl Who Reads

    1. Awesome! And maybe if the second leg is coming to your area you could get the rest of the poster signed!

  4. watermelon soy chapstick

    1. You don't know how much I wanted to keep that for myself! It sounds delightful.

  5. The swag would be great especially the lip balm. Thanks for this great feature. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  6. I would love to see Marie Rutkoski, and I am just a sucker for swag. Thank you for the chance to win.

  7. Sounds like a fun tour- though having it be their second books, I'm sure it was difficult to talk about certain things!


  8. i would love to see Marie Rutkoski


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