Guess what? Jennifer Banash lurves me. It could be my scintillating interview with her or the fact I invited her to guest blog for Fashion Week. Or maybe it's the fact that I find her books pretty groovy?

When I reviewed THE ELITE, I said:
From Normal, Illinois to the Upper East Side – Casey’s made quite a move and she’s not sure how to adjust. She’s armed with Abercrombie and American Apparel, but soon realizes she’s out of her depth. She feels how much she doesn’t fit in the first time she meets Madison Macallister, Phoebe Reynaud, and Sophie St. John. But Sophie and Phoebe kind of like her and talk Madison into a makeover. However, Casey is attracting attention from Drew Van Allen, Madison’s on-again, off-again boyfriend. . . . One of THE ELITE’s strong points is the fact that it possesses more realism than most of the mean girl/clique books currently on the market. . . . Some of THE ELITE’s twists are easy to see coming, but it’s still a fun ride. I enjoyed Banash’s first foray in YA literature and I’ll be back for IN TOO DEEP.
And I was. The second time around, I said,
I love how much more grounded THE ELITE series seems than some of the other series of this type I've read. In so many there may be parents present, but they'll have no control over their children. IN TOO DEEP explores many of the characters' relationships with their families as well as the relationship drama. . . . In the finale Jennifer Banash really ups the ante for SIMPLY IRRESISTIBLE. I can't wait to pick up the third book and see how some of the snarls come undone. Banash is fabulous at creating relatable characters in over-the-top situations. Her characters act like real teenagers and really captures that sense of being almost ready to be an adult but not quite and the out of control emotions.

Jennifer and I both couldn't believe the response to the contest I held for IN TOO DEEP, so she came back for another round. This time there will be three winners. To giveaway, I have:
(2) In Too Deep ARCs - even if you have the book, these make cool collector's items
(1) $20 Amazon giftcard - you could buy yourself both books, or something else if you already own them
How do you enter? How else would you enter - by showing the love. But here's the catch: you have to show it to me and to Jennifer. For Jennifer, you need to follow her blog Elite-isms. She's suffering from post concussive syndrome right now, so she really needs the love! As for me, I'm riding a romance high from watching The Lady Eve and A Very Long Engagement with my friends. Therefore, I want you to leave me a comment telling me about a romantic scene, fact or fiction.

As always, I'm offering bonus entries. Linking to the contest, following me, and/or sending proof you bought THE ELITE (or IN TOO DEEP) will each get you an extra entry. Or you could just show the love in a particularly cool way.
Contest ends February 14th. And don't forget my contest for RANGER'S APPRENTICE: THE SIEGE OF MACINDAW by John Flanagan, which ends February 15th. Don't forget to stop by then - I'll have a new contest starting the 16th, followed by my birthday celebration.
I'm a follower
ReplyDeleteI'm following Elite-isms. Romantic scene... I'd have to say when Noah and Allie are in the boat in The Notebook.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI love A Very Long Engagement!! Anyway, I thought I'd throw that out!
ReplyDeleteI'm a follower of both you and Jennifer, and I just bought The Elite from Amazon, I guess I'll email the confirmation to you!
I'm following her blog on google reader and I already follow you. Romantic scence: Casablanca, Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman. ::sighs:: I want someone to love me that much.
ReplyDeleteI'm already following you, but can you officially follow her blog??? I don't see where. I mean, I saved it in my favorites, but I dont' see a "follow me" like blogger has.....
ReplyDeleteumm....as for a romantic scene. Oh gosh, I don't know! This is really kind of hard. I guess...I just read Bones of Faerie and it's not a romantic scene, but I love Liza and Matthew in that book. It's like a deep friendship kind of love, especially when she's hugging him. I can't go into detail or I'll ruin it!
I don't know if there is an official way, but you can follow through your sidebar, Google Reader, Bloglines, or whatever.
ReplyDeleteI follow Elite-isms in google reader. And I follow your blog. And my favorite romantic scenes are in P.S. I Love You every time she gets a letter. I'm a sucker for it every time.
ReplyDeleteI blogged about your contest
Is this international or US only? =)
ReplyDeleteI'll ask Jennifer. I'd assume the GC at least is international because you can do that totally online.
ReplyDeleteInternational :)
I follow both yours and Jennifer's blog in Google Readers. My favorite romantic scene is the end of Pretty Woman when he climbs up the fire escape.
ReplyDeleteno need to enter me, but I wanted to say the photo is gorgeous.
ReplyDeleteThanks Serena! I took it at the gardens in the Houston Museum District (Montrose-ish) with a Canon EOS 30D, telephoto, and close up lens. I love macro photography.
ReplyDeleteI follow both you and Jennifer. As for romantic scenes...my favorite remains Anne and Gilbert in Anne of the Island. What a magical ending :)
ReplyDeleteI follower her and you
ReplyDeleteA romantic scene...I can't really think of one myself but one I loved was in slumdog millionaire, the ending scene man that was amazing!! and so very very romantic :D
I have you both in my reader!
ReplyDeletebunnybx at gmail . com
Oh, I loved A Very Long Engagement! I liked it whenever she'd say something like "If this happens, then her bf is alive" and things like that. I play that game too :)
ReplyDeletebunnybx at gmail . com
Blogged: http://bunnymoney9.blogspot.com/2009/02/dont-miss-out.html
ReplyDeletebunnybx at gmail . com
I have started watching Jennifer's blog (sidebar as usual) and you know I watch you! =D
ReplyDeleteHm, romantic scene? Well, if you have read the manga MeruPuri, it has plenty of them! I adore Aram and Airi together. The ending is so heart-moving. I cried.
Oh yes, and I will link this contest! =)
I'm a follower. And my favorite romantic scene is in "A Hopeless Romantic" when Nick finally comes to Laura and confesses his love to her after so many months of hating each other. Or Laura hating on him.
ReplyDeleteI've posted this on Win A Book. No need to enter though.
ReplyDeletecan't think of one particular scene, but i loved Persuasion, the 1995 miniseries version with amanda root, it was a most romantic
ReplyDeleteRomantic scene..hmmm. I love the scene at the end of Sleepless in Seattle when Tom Hanks goes back to the top of the empire state building and Meg Ryan is there and they look into each others eyes and know that they're meant to tbe together (sappy but so adorable)!!
ReplyDeleteOh and I'm now a follower of your blog and Elite-isms. Thanks!!
I follow Elite-isms and your blog now.
ReplyDeleteRomantic Scene-The end of That Thing You Do where the guy asks the girl (can't remember names) "When is the last time you were good and kissed?" And of course - a kiss follows - and the girl says - "We should have done that a long time ago."
I follow Jennifer's blog!
ReplyDeleteAs for romantic scenes, I love Robert Downey Jr's films like Only You and Heart & Soul! I love romantic comedies with happy endings! sighhhh...
I have also linked you at http://senalovescandy.blogspot.com/2009/02/sharing-love.html
Poor Jennifer! I'm glad to hear she's starting to feel better. I did send her some love and good wishes on her post about a special encounter with a surprised fan.
I love romantic comedies but the best story I've heard lately was a post from a friend and fellow blogger told about Valentine's Day. She was on a blind date just before the holiday. He didn't have a gift so he reached into his pocket and had only a nickle. He gave it to her jokingly and has given her one in her card ever since for the 43 years they have been married. How sweet!
I follow your blog and Jennifer's and have both of you on my blog list.
Thanks for a fun contest!
I forgot to mention that I added your contest to my blog.
I don't know how to follow a Wordpress blog, so I added it to my bookmarks.
ReplyDeleteI already follow your blog, if that counts.
A romantic scene... anything with Arwen and Aragorn, whether it's in the movies or the books.
I posted about the contest here: http://paradoxrevealed.blogspot.com/2008/12/official-contest-list.html
paradoxrevealed (at) aim (dot) com
Please enter me! I am now a follower of Elite-isms! :) Hmm, a romantic scene, I would say in The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen, when Macy FINALLY kisses Wes after running towards him. It was so sweet!
Oh I forgot to put all the bonuses! x] I am also now a follower of you too. and I put you in my sidebar:
im a follower
ReplyDeletethe followin thingy is neat, lol though just today figure out where to go look for it at
I follow and am addicted to YA blogs. thanks for blogging!
ReplyDeleteas far as romance goes, i am on that high as well and must say if you don't read manga you should pick up REd river and/or Vampire knight. So sweet and exciting.