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The blurb for the novelette is simple and enticing: When the man who date-raped a friend is found not guilty, the women in her book group decide to take matters into their own hands. The story opens with the friends moving a body, letting the reader know the plan has gone wrong.
I selected "Girls' Night Out" because the blurb reminded me of Fern Michael's Sisterhood series. I must have good instincts, because that is exactly what I was reminded of. Local district attorney Jay Hanrahan date raped Ellen Corso - and was found innocent. Ellen's book club decides to take matters into their own hands and give Jay a taste of his own medicine.
"Girls' Night Out" is a fun bit of black comedy. It's pretty slight, but it is a fun bit of comeuppance. I'd certainly try a full-length novel by Kate Flora based on this work. She's got a nice, wry humor.

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"Devil Doll" reminded me of one reason why I don't usually read memoirs. I really felt for Catherine (name changed?) who has quite a bit of her personal life exposed in this memoir, in addition to author Bonnie Friedman's generally low opinion of her. It can't be nice to have yourself immortalized negatively in a true story.
Bonnie and Catherine were fast friends when they studied abroad, but years later Bonnie dropped her without a word. "Devil Doll" explores why. Their relationship had strange ups and downs, including Bonnie sleeping with Catherine's husband, with her permission. Neither woman comes off very well. Catherine has a bit of a superiority complex, while Bonnie is judgmental and capricious. It's well written, but not that enjoyable.
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