By Holly Webb
Available now from Sourcebooks Jabberwocky
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Read my reviews of Rose and Rose and the Lost Princess
ROSE AND THE MAGICIAN'S MASK can be read alone, although it is best if you have read the first two books about maid and nascent magician Rose. This book reveals more of her personal history, and delivers a thrilling plot.
Fans of the series know what to expect. For those who are new, expect a practical heroine, friendship, and magicians versus magicians. Gus, the talking cat, will be funny. The adult-in-charge will be useless, leaving saving the day to Rose and her friends. In this story, Venetian thieves who have stolen a mask of great power that must be retrieved.
This series reaches the point that so many series featuring magical kids (such as Harry Potter and Avatar: The Last Airbender) must reach. As Rose becomes more powerful, and faces more dangerous enemies, she can potentially use lethal force. This lends a bit more darkness to the final confrontation.
It's hard to say something new about the third book in a series. But it is easy to repeat something old. If you have a young reader in your life who enjoys fantastical adventures, I highly recommend this series. Yes, even to the boys.
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