June 10, 2013

48HBC: The Finish Line

I finished SECRETS AND LIES TRUTH OR DARE, the third Capital Girls novel by Ella Monroe, in an hour.  I read 254 pages, about 3/4 of the novel.

Then I went to Barnes and Nobel and used my coupon to buy SHAPESHIFTED, the newest in the Edie Spence series by Cassie Alexander.  I blasted through all 320 awesome pages in an hour and 50 minutes.

This morning I read a bit of STARRY NIGHTS by Daisy Whitney with my breakfast, 20 pages in 15 minutes.  I basically went Daisy Whitney! Paris! Romance! and didn't read the blurb, so I was on about page 18 when I realized the narrator was a dude.

I haven't added this time in yet, so I'd say the 48HBC updates took me about 30 minutes to write.

I wish I had more time to socialize - that's one of the best aspects.  But I'm looking forward to visiting everyone's finish lines.  I've spent 30 minutes doing that so far.

I'm going to count the partial STARRY NIGHTS, TRUTH OR DARE, and DoSaB as one book, bringing my total to 5 books.  I read 1,465 pages and my total time is 14 hours and 45 minutes. I'm going to donate a $1 per hour for a donation of $15.

Other things accomplished this weekend: driving to and from Fort Worth, packing and moving another carload worth of stuff, attending my niece's recital, and socializing with my family.  I just wished I hadn't have needed to do that stuff this weekend.


  1. Thanks for your comment on my Finish Line. I was busy too this weekend, so I got only 7 1/2 hours in and din't get mouch online socializing either. But it was still fun.

  2. Ghost Hawk and Will in Scarlet both covered topics my students never asl for, and they were a little slower nd wordier than a lot of middle grade stories. A lot of people have liked them, so definitely give them a try!

    1. Alright. (And I love Sherwood stories - I can't believe you don't have any Robin Hood geeks!)

  3. Good job on finishing Secrets and Lies.

  4. Great job! You got more reading done than I would have, and that's with a full schedule apart from the read-a-thon. I wish I read faster!

  5. You are moving to Fort Worth? Not to be a weirdo or anything, but I live in the DFW area, too!

    1. No, I moved from Fort Worth, but my family still lives there and I haven't moved all my stuff yet.

  6. It sounds like you had quite a lot going on this weekend. I'm glad you were able to participate in the fun anyway, and raise some money for a good cause.

    1. I'm glad too! The 48HBC is a great event, especially because it raises money for charity.

  7. Congrats on your readathon! I enjoyed following your updates and hope I can participate in something similar some time this year.


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