By Anna Staniszewski
Available now from Sourcebooks
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Jenny the Adventurer travels to Fairy Land to rescue her parents, but discovers that things are going very wrong. The population's magic is rationed, the laws are arbitrary, and travelers aren't allowed to leave.
I thought MY SORT OF FAIRY TALE ENDING was a fun, quick read for younger fantasy fans. I thought it played well with various familiar fairy tale tropes, and loved that Jenny didn't have a love interest. It's nothing overly different or edgy, but perfectly likeable. It will, of course, have the most impact if you've read the first two books. However, I haven't and thought it was still easy to follow along.
Today I'm happy to share a guest blog and challenge from author Anna Staniszewki:
One of the things I love about fairy tales is how easily they adapt to any format. No wonder we keep telling and retelling familiar tales when we can play with character, setting, and even format. So today, I thought we’d embrace this idea and have some fun with a fairy tale haiku-off.
What on earth is a fairy tale haiku-off and how does it work? It’s easy. Just think of your favorite tale, start counting syllables (the usual format is 5-7-5), and get haiku-ing!
Here’s my attempt:
First foot doesn’t fit.
Second foot, even tighter.
Third foot—smooth as glass.
It’s not likely to win any awards, but hey, I had fun. Now it’s your turn. Ready? Set. Haiku!
Born in Poland and raised in the United States, Anna Staniszewski grew up loving stories in both Polish and English. When she’s not writing, Anna spends her time teaching, reading, and challenging unicorns to games of hopscotch. She is the author of My Very UnFairy Tale Life and its sequels, My Epic Fairy Tale Fail and My Sort Of Fairy Tale Ending, all published by Sourcebooks Jabberwocky. Look for the first book in Anna’s next tween series, The Dirt Diary, in January 2014, and visit her at www.annastan.com.
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