It's been easy to pick up memoirs, as Harper Perennial at least almost always has them on sale. (And I can't help but notice them because I love the Harper Perennial tumblr.) That also made it an easy place to start. Then there's the fact that memoirs are just plain popular. There has to be a reason. But while I do enjoy a good graphic memoir, so far I am not clicking with the prose memoirs I've picked up. (On the graphic side, I highly recommend recent Cybils finalists DARKROOM by Lila Quintero Weaver and LITTLE WHITE DUCK by Na Liu and illustrated by Andres Vera Martinez.)
Even if my foray into memoirs hasn't been successful so far, I'm enjoying trying. And I just know I'll find the one that works for me eventually and be able to find some more good titles from there. (I've been saving LIFE by Keith Richards and JUST KIDS by Patti Smith for the end of my memoir reading because I'll be bereft if I don't enjoy those.)
I've also got some non-memoir nonfiction in my TBR now, like STIFF by Mary Roach.
My challenge for you, this weekend, is to start a book that's outside of your comfort zone. It doesn't have to be really far outside. Love the softer side of science fiction? Try something harder. Really into urban fantasy? Try a paranormal romance. But if you want to go farther, why not? Pick up a manga - or an American superhero comic. Check out some short stories. Venture into the mystery section. Experiment with a super serious literary or classic author that you're intimidated by. I've heard CRIME AND PUNISHMENT is a real page turner. (Yes, it is on my TBR!)
I'm willing to help. If you've got an idea of what type of book you want to try but don't have a specific title in mind, I'm willing to give you suggestions. I'm pretty widely read . . . as long as you aren't looking for a nonfiction recommendation. Even then, I might surprise you.