Brent with actress Nikki Blonsky (Hairspray) |
Today I have a special treat for you guys! An interview with
Brent Hartinger, the author of THE ELEPHANT OF SURPRISE, which I
reviewed earlier today. I previously
reviewed his novel PROJECT SWEET LIFE. Brent is most well known for writing GEOGRAPHY CLUB about a group of kids who start a club for LGBTQ teens under a boring name to keep people away. (And this interview will have pictures once I convince Blogger it doesn't hate me.)
1. LGBTQ-themed YA novels have come a long way since GEOGRAPHY CLUB's
publication ten years ago. Where do you hope the genre will be ten
years from now?
This is a great question! The fact is, the genre has changed sooooo much
from ten years ago that's it's probably impossible to answer what it'll
be like in ten years.
I know what I *hope* it will be: I hope gay characters and LGBT themes
will be a complete non-issue. They'll be lots of different LGBT
characters -- especially different races, different classes, and
different cultures. They'll be leading LGBT characters in not just
literary fiction, but also humor books and genre stuff and popular
fiction -- true bestsellers, I mean, like The Hunger Games or Harry
Potter or Twilight.
Oh, and when I say "LGBT," I definitely mean "lesbian" and "bisexual"
too. Those two groups especially are still way under-represented in YA,
relative to their numbers.
I hope people will look back and say, "Gay characters used to be controversial? Why?!"
All this said, I hope LGBT surprises me in some way too. I hope some of
the books takes some incredible turn that no one, including me, ever
2. Was it hard to write in Russel's voice again after several years?

Honestly, Russel came back to me pretty quickly. That was the least difficult part of THE ELEPHANT OF SURPRISE.
The hard part was probably the subject matter. The story in a nutshell? Russel is bored and wants more adventure
in his life. So he begins a wildly passionate romance with a mysterious
guy he first meets scrounging food in a Dumpster. The guy's a "freegan,"
someone who's voluntarily choosing to be homeless. He and his friends
eat roadkill and squat in houses and explore abandoned buildings. He's
got this whole, fantastic philosophy worked out.
Okay, so "romance"
and "Dumpster diving" are not themes
you usually see associated together, right? And that was exactly the
point! I
wanted to do something really unusual and attention-getting and
*different* -- not like a thousand other YA books you've read before.
But I knew two things from the very beginning: First, that my
readers would "get it." I think they know that when you read a "Brent
Hartinger" book, things won't necessarily be "normal." Russel's last big
romance was with a burn survivor who has a huge scar covering half of
his face. And my readers totally love Otto (I do too).
But with this new book, I also knew it might be something
of a hard sell to the larger world. It's not about a girl who turns out to be a princess. I would have to work hard to
make the case that a guy who eats out of Dumpsters and breaks into
abandoned buildings can be a figure of great mystery and romance.
I think/hope I pulled it off -- I tried to do it with humor.
You can get away with a lot if your main character is funny. But I had
to give this all a lot of thought, to figure out how to get the casual
reader to come along on this journey with me.
Brent with Cameron Deane Stewart in character as Russel |
3. GEOGRAPHY CLUB has been made into a movie, coming out soon. Once
you knew it was really going to happen, what was your greatest fear
about your work being adapted? Your greatest hope?
I never worried too much about whether or not it was faithful to the
book (and the resulting movie is in some ways, and it also isn't at all
in others). I've been in this business for a long time, and I know how
movie adaptations work. I was just thrilled it finally happened, because
it took a long time -- it was once almost a big-budget movie, then a
micro-budget indie movie, then a TV series. In the end, it's a modestly
budgeted indie film, which is probably what it should have been all
Anyway, I wanted it to at least be "good," and I wanted it to be a
success, because the more of a success the movie is, the more interest
there is in my books (which don't change whether the movie is faithful
or not). I already know the movie's good -- I saw it a couple of weeks
ago -- but I still don't know how successful it will be.
4. You self-published THE ELEPHANT OF SURPRISE along with reprints of
the second two Russel Middlebrook novels, originally published by an
imprint of HarperCollins. What are some of the challenges of
You know, I didn't really want to self-publish. But I'd been frustrated
with HarperCollins -- I'd had six different editors in six years. So I
left. But I kept getting all these emails from people who wanted the
books available (two were out-of-print). But I knew no other publisher
would be interested, since HarperCollins still had the rights to the
first book.
So I self-published new ebook and paperback editions of those two books.
I didn't get rich, but they did surprisingly well. That's when I
decided to do a fourth book as a self-published original. I hired my
first editor and my first copy-editor. So the process wasn't *that*
different than being traditionally published ... except I didn't get
paid in advance, and I did a lot more of the work myself.
First of all, there are all the technical challenges, which are legion.
You have to learn typesetting, coding, graphic design, copy-editing,
proof-reading, book promotion, and on and on.
probably the biggest challenge is just getting attention for your book.
People mock traditional publishing, but they act as "quality control."
There are now hundreds of thousands of self-published titles out there,
and let's face it: a lot of them are very bad. Traditional publishers
tell bookstores and the media: "we think this book is so good we were
willing to spend tens of thousands of dollars publishing it!" And the
media listen.
So I don't know if I would have done this if I didn't have something of a
name and a following, and if one of the books in the series wasn't
being turned into a movie. I think that made it a little easier to get
the word out. But it was still a lot harder than when HarperCollins was
doing it.
The good news is that I paid for my production costs (which were $3000) a
week before the book's official release date, just in advance orders.
So now I think I'll probably make at least as much off THE ELEPHANT OF
SURPRISE than I did from most of those books published by HarperCollins.
I hope so, because I killed myself putting this thing together.
5. Do you have any other books coming out soon?
few years back, I co-founded a website (
AfterElton.com, now called
TheBacklot.com). My partners and I sold the website to MTV a few years
later, and then I worked there until about 2010. Which was great for me
financially. But unfortunately, it really got in the way of my writing.
But I've been really productive since then. I have a movie that I wrote
that (I think) will go into production this spring -- that should be out
in 2014. I have a sci-fi book that I'm about half finished with and
that I'm hoping to place with Kindle Serials. And I have a fantasy
series that just went out to publishers from my agent. Plus, I have a couple of other screenplays that I've been actively pitching.
The fact is, there is *nothing* I'd rather be doing than writing books and screenplays.