September 4, 2010

Going Offline

My phone is off. My internet is soon to be disconnected. My roommate has done the same. We have food. Cookies and muffins for snacks. Water, cranberry juice, and tea. A falafel wrap for her, a manchego and gouda sandwich for me. We've used the restroom. We're in it for the long haul.

We're marathoning Samurai Champloo.

Samurai Champloo: The Complete Collection

This is a reminder to those of you who have a three-day weekend. Enjoy your extra day. Do something silly that makes you happy. Recharge. For those who don't have an extra day, do something fun anyway. A little relaxation makes you more productive when you get down to the nitty-gritty.

Happy Labor Day Weekend ya'll.

I'm taking the day off.


  1. Good for you!! It sounds like a terrific Saturday and even better shared with a friend. We've had chilly, rainy weather today so I snuggled on the couch with my heating pad and read for a few uninterrupted hours. It was heaven! Have a wonderful, relaxing weekend and enjoy! :)

  2. We don't get Labor Day off at my college. Which is bullshit.

    Enjoy your marathon!!!

  3. Ha! I thought you were getting ready for the zombie apocalypse (do you know something that we don't?)

    Enjoy your weekend!

    I totally ransacked my room in order to straighten out the ten dozen mountains of books that I have all over! Nothing like a holiday to make me want to clean my pig sty!

    Though I may begin a Buffy marathon tonight...


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