By Sherrilyn Kenyon
Available now from St. Martins Griffin
I needed to read INVINCIBLE before I read INFAMOUS, the third book and newest release in the Chronicles of Nick. I wasn't going to review it, but decided I didn't want to start the second day of the 48 Hour Book Challenge with a lack of reviews. I checked out the first book, INFINITY, from the library a long time ago. But they never got the second book, so I bought it on my own.
The Chronicles of Nick is a young adult offshoot from Sherrilyn Kenyon's popular Dark-Hunter romance series. I've tried reading a few of the Dark-Hunter books since reading INFINITY in order to fill in the backstory. I enjoyed the romance, but was left very confused. In the Dark-Hunter I read, Nick Gaultier is this angry guy who goes about messing up people's plans. In the Chronicles of Nick, he's a sweet boy being hunted by a variety of nasties.
The monster of the week is Devus, the new coach at Nick's high school. If Nick doesn't steal objects from his classmates, he'll end up dead. But Nick has even bigger fish to fry. He's still learning to use his powers, and Death himself has shown up as a teacher. Caleb and Nekoda keep showing up as well, and Nick can't decide whether to trust them or not. Meanwhile an older version of Nick is running around apparently mucking things up. (His bad judgment gives him away as the Dark-Hunter guy, I guess.)
There are a lot of characters and motives to keep track of, but I just went with the flow while reading INVINCIBLE. It's a real popcorn book - vague prophecies, a hint of romance, a lot of action. A book this high in entertainment value is a great way to start a long day of reading.
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