March 25, 2009

First Half Winners!

Here are the winners!

Valorie and techyone won their choice of FRENEMIES or FAKETASTIC from Alexa Young.

MJ won the Lewis Fashion Week gift bag from Melissa Walker.

Jocelyn won VIDALIA IN PARIS from Sasha Watson.

Thao won an ARC of WHERE NINA LIES from Scholastic and Lynn Weingarten.

Pissenlit of The Great White North won a signed copy of I WANNA BE YOUR JOEY RAMONE from Stephanie Kuehnert.

Diana Dang won a paperback copy of SHE'S SO MONEY from Cherry Cheva.

Nora won a set of THE ELITE and IN TOO DEEP from Jennifer Banash.

YA Book Realm won an ARC of DEATH BY DENIM and swag from Linda Gerber.

Lauren of Shooting Stars Mag won a signed ARC of NOTHING BUT GHOSTS from Beth Kephart.

Erika Lynn and bridget3420 each won a copy of BREATHERS from Random House and S.G. Browne.

Alyce won a picture frame from Wendy Toliver.

All winners were chosen by

Please send your addresses to me at inbedwithbooks AT yahoo DOT com. All winners are eligible to win (and encouraged to enter) second half contests.

*image by deltay.


  1. Aw, yay!!! I just emailed you. Congrats to everyone else.


  2. YAY! I am emailing you now and congrats to the other winners!

  3. Squee! Thanks lots! Email's been sent.

  4. Thanks so much! And congrats to all of the other winners! I sent you an email already.

  5. Thanks so much. I just emailed you!!!

  6. Happy birthday?


  7. Happy birthday?


  8. THANK YOU so much! I will email you ASAP! :D


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