The Simon Pulse Romantic Comedies are a great line and I've been hearing good things about Wendy Toliver's books. I especially want to read THE SECRET LIFE OF A TEENAGE SIREN since both my mother and sister are flutists.
Happy blogiversary, and happy birthday, Liviania.
I happen to have a March birthday, too. And this one, as one of my oldest friends was so kind to point out, puts me closer to 40 than 30. There’s really nothing we can do about getting older, so today I’d like to discuss good ways to stay young at heart. These are things I have done recently, so I know you can do them, too.
1. Learn a new skill or pick up a new hobby.
My birthday present to myself was a new snowboard and lessons. I won’t be giving Shaun White a run for his money any time soon, but it’s been really fun and it’s a great way to bond with my sons.
Just last week, I signed up for an adult hip-hop class at my local gym. I’ve only been once so I don’t really have a lot to report, other than I now know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I did not miss my calling to be a backup dancer for Britney Spears. On the other hand, my husband got a kick out of my little “So What (I’m Still a Rock Star)” dance routine.
2. Make a new friend.
Last night I was at a St. Patrick’s Day party and someone said he didn’t have time to keep in touch with friends. Sadly, I know what he means. But I do think making an effort to be a friend is worthwhile on many levels, and new friends help keep life fresh and interesting.
A few months ago, I was working out at my local gym (which, by the way, is another great way to stay young at heart) and in walked a tall, slender, beautiful stranger. We instantly clicked and huffed and puffed our way through the circuit class. She lives in Arizona and has a second home here in Utah. So when she’s in town, it’s her vacation and she lives each day to the fullest. She lets me know when she comes into town and we make plans to ski, go out to dinner, or just get our two year-old boys together for play dates. It breaks up my routine and makes me feel like I’m on a vacation right here on my home turf.
3. Host a Girls’ (or Guys’) Night Out.
It’s a breeze to organize and guaranteed to produce laughs.
Pick an event that sounds fun or interesting that isn’t too expensive. Some I’ve chosen are: a movie, rock climbing gym, local film festival, sporting event, and a shopping trip. Then choose a day or night that’s not too far in the future and start inviting people. With texting, email, Facebook, etc., it’s pretty darn easy to get the word out, and I always tell people to spread the word to their friends.
In the fall, my husband is off hunting quite often, so sometimes I host a “Girls’ Night In,” where my friends come over at about 8:00 or 9:00 (which works well for those of us who have kids) and we all bring something to snack on and drink and we either play games or watch a DVD.
4. Take time for you.
There have been studies that prove people who take even a short nap every day are more productive and it’s no secret that we feel better when we’ve carved out some time to rejuvenate and maybe even pamper ourselves. My favorite “me” times include: yoga, bubble baths, a glass of red wine at the end of the day, and reading a book or magazine.
5. Be spontaneous.
“The dirty laundry will still be there tomorrow.” This is what my mom says, and guess what? It’s true! The Earth will not stop turning if you leave the dirty dishes in the sink and instead go on a walk or show up at a friend’s doorstep with Starbucks. One of my favorite things to do is show up at my husband’s work at quittin’ time with a change of clothes for him and take him on a surprise date.
We plan away so much of our lives, but some of our fondest memories are born in spontaneity.

Wendy is giving away this super cute 3 1/2 by 5" frame, to record those moment where you are being spontaneous and taking care of yourself, or anything else from her list! (Or, truly, anything you care to take a photo of. It is a photo frame.) Just make sure you obey the rules to enter.
Now comment away! Wendy braved sickness to write this and deserves nice comments. (Really, that's two guests who have been sick. Agreeing to be hosted on my blog is not good for your health apparently.) I envy Wendy for being close enough to the mountains to go frequently. The one time I went skiing I loved it.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Too many March babies - where are all the August babies??? :)
ReplyDeleteI suppose I should stay away from your blog in case this sickness is catching :P
Thanks for all the advice on staying "young at heart" - they sound like great plan to stay happy and excited for life! I need to be more spontaneous, but that always ends in trouble for me!
I am about the least spontaneous person I know, except for an acquaintance who sets her dinner table AFTER breakfast!
ReplyDeleteI just want to say to Wendy, many congrats on the books and on taking the dance class. Some of my most dedicated ballet students didn't step foot into a studio until they were past 30 and they work so hard! I love them and I'm sure your teacher loves you too.
Those are great advices that everyone should follow by! =)
ReplyDeleteHope you are feeling better Wendy! I have Miss Match sitting on my nightstand and I really need to start it.
ReplyDeleteWow - that is a lot of March babies! Great tips too - I really wish I could learn how to snowboard, but I'm like... balance-challenged. Or something. haha
ReplyDeleteCecilia - My sister is an August baby.
ReplyDeleteErika - You have to tell me what you think of Miss Match.
I really enjoyed reading this post! The book caught my eye because I'm a flute player, and then I had a lot of fun reading about other ways to pamper ourselves. The closest I come to girls night out is bookclub each month! :)
ReplyDeleteAwesome post. These really are amazing ideas, even for me and I'm only going to be 19...but still, life goes fast. It's good to do new things and live life.
ReplyDeleteI'm already a follower, by the way. :)
I'm feeling much better, and all your kind comments made me feel even better. Thanks! ;)
ReplyDeleteI love your advice on staying young at heart. Excellent.
ReplyDeleteWendy, I'm glad you're feeling better. Your books sound wonderful.
Another great interview. Please include me in your giveaway.
I'd say probably about 75% of my family have March birthdays. My husband's is the 29th, my son's is the 27th and the new grandson is March 13. There is also my sister, three nephews and several other relatives.
ReplyDeleteCloser to 40 than 30 is not old.
ReplyDeleteWill check back.
Great advice on enjoying life.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday?
Your books look really good, and I loved your post! You look like you have so much fun!!
ReplyDeleteI follow!
And I am posting a link to this contest here (copy and paste the two sections together): http://booksforteensreviews